Gods, Goddesses and Worship in Ancient Egypt
Throughout history, there were lots of different gods and goddesses in ancient Egypt. Each of the gods and goddesses had their own role they played in order to maintain the harmony and peace. Some of the gods and goddesses took part in bringing the flood each year, some of the took part in creation while others offered protection, then of course you had those gods and goddesses whom cared for individuals after they left the earth. There were the minor gods and goddesses that represented the animals and plants and then you had the local gods that represented the towns. Some of the gods and goddesses in ancient Egypt are Anubis, Amun, Thoth, Hathor, Bes, Isis, Khnum, Horus, Ptah, Osiris, Sebek and Ra.
According to the ancient Egyptians, it was necessary to worship and recognize the gods and goddesses in order for life to continue going smoothly. The evidence on Predynastic Egypt is limited, but we know that the ancient Egyptians had cults of worship that were usually centered on animals. Each of the communities in ancient Egypt chose their own deity of set of deities to worship.
Normally, the household gods would be worshiped at shrines. These shrines could be found in the living quarters. The household gods had a lack in cult followers. We have found that the household gods were important to most of the population in ancient Egypt. Tauert and Bes were to of the most known household gods that were in Ancient Egypt. In other areas in Egypt, there were state and local gods. The state and local gods, in some parts of ancient Egypt were the main deity or deities. As an example, in the Fayoum, the crocodile god was the main one worshiped.
From the group of state gods and local gods, some of them would gain lots of recognition and become well known and worshipped throughout parts of Egypt. An example of this, Re, who is the sun god, in the second dynasty became nationally recognized and worshipped throughout ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians added to the mix and combined gods together in order to make a brand new deity that could be worshipped. An example of this, Re had been put with the state god, Amun and together they became Amen-Re. Pharaohs usually turned to the national gods, but the common ancient Egyptians turned to the household or local gods. The ancient Egyptians also had the choice to worship gods that could help them out with their occupations.
Wikipedia: Ancient Egypt
History Channel: Ancient Egypt
Live Science: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
British Museum: Ancient Egypt