The Great Sphinx of Giza Facts
There has been a lot of talk about the Great Sphinx of Giza and there is no doubt it is a true artifact. In fact, the Great Sphinx of Giza is known as the biggest and oldest statues throughout the world. The basic facts about the Great Sphinx of Giza including when it was build, who built it and who the real-life model for the face is has been a main debate. Many Egyptologists state that the Great Sphinx of Giza represents King Khafra and he is also credited as being the builder of this large statue, but this is not known for sure.
If the Great Sphinx of Giza were built to represent King Khafra, then this would mean the construction took place somewhere around 2494 BC, maybe a little before. Surely, there are no hidden chambers found inside the Great Sphinx of Giza. The Great Sphinx has not been found to hold any long lost secrets in the paws. However, it is a symbol of kingship in ancient Egypt and it is probably related to solar worship.
Looking at the Great Sphinx of Giza, you are going to see a half-lion, half-human statue. This is found in Egypt on the Giza Plateau near Cairo. As we stated, it is the largest statue to be found in the world, as it is 241 ft long, 20 ft long and 65 ft high. The Great Sphinx has stirred up the imagination of many, including scholars, tourists, adventurers and poets for centuries. Sphinx means strangler. The Great Sphinx Giza got its name from the Greeks. The Sphinx had the body of a lion, head of a woman and wings of a bird. In Egypt, you will find a number of sphinxes, generally the head of a king with his headdress on that has the body of a lion. In addition, you will find sphinxes that have ram heads and these are related to the god Amun.
It is believed that the Great Sphinx was created over 4,500 years ago. They say it was made after King Khafre, because his name has been mentioned on the Dream Stele. The Dream Stele is the part that can be found between the Sphinxes paws. The Sphinx statue has been made out of limestone bedrock and geologists call this the Muggatam Formation. Today, the Great Sphinx of Giza remains a mystery as to why it was created and it may always remain a mystery, unless there are documents that have not yet been found.
Wikipedia: Ancient Egypt
History Channel: Ancient Egypt
Live Science: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
British Museum: Ancient Egypt