Astronomy in Ancient Egypt
Astronomy played a significant role in ancient Egyptian culture, helping shape their calendar, religious system, and architectural designs. Here are some key points on the subject:
- Calendar Development: The ancient Egyptians developed one of the earliest known calendars, based on their observations of celestial bodies. They recognized the yearly “rebirth” of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which coincided with the annual flooding of the Nile. This event marked the beginning of their new year.
- Decanal System: Egyptian astronomers divided the night sky into 36 decans (star groups). Each decan would rise on the horizon approximately once every ten days. The heliacal rising of these decans was used to mark the hours of the night, and their cycle formed a key part of the Egyptian calendar.
- Architectural Alignment: Many Egyptian structures, including the Great Pyramids of Giza, demonstrate precise astronomical alignment. For instance, the pyramids are aligned to the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) with high accuracy, which likely required careful astronomical observations.
- Religious Significance: Celestial bodies and events held significant religious meanings for the Egyptians. Many gods and goddesses were associated with celestial bodies. For example, the Sun god Ra was one of their most important deities, symbolizing light, warmth, and growth.
- Solar and Lunar Calendars: In addition to their solar calendar, the Egyptians also had a lunar calendar used primarily for religious ceremonies and festivals. This calendar was based on the phases of the moon rather than the solar year.
- Sundials and Water Clocks: To measure time, Egyptians used sundials during the day and water clocks (also known as clepsydras) at night. These inventions were based on their understanding of the movements of the sun and stars.
- Astronomical Ceilings: Some temples and tombs, like the tomb of Senenmut and the Temple of Hathor at Dendera, feature astronomical ceilings depicting the cosmos as understood by the Egyptians. These celestial maps provide valuable insight into ancient Egyptian cosmology and astronomy.
Overall, astronomy in ancient Egypt was a complex blend of science, religion, and culture, influencing a broad range of societal practices and beliefs. It underpinned their understanding of the world and their place in it.
Wikipedia: Ancient Egypt
History Channel: Ancient Egypt
Live Science: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
British Museum: Ancient Egypt