Pharaoh Ramses II: The Great Builder of Ancient Egypt
Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, is one of the most renowned pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. His remarkable reign of 66 years during the 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom was marked by extensive building programs, military campaigns, and a focus on domestic prosperity. His larger-than-life statues and grand temples make Ramses II one of ancient Egypt’s most prolific builders.
Early Life and Ascension to Power
Born in 1303 BC, Ramses II was the son of Seti I. He was groomed for succession at an early age, taking on royal duties and accompanying his father on military campaigns. After Seti I’s death around 1279 BC, Ramses II ascended to the throne, beginning one of the longest reigns in Egypt’s history.
Military Campaigns
As a military leader, Ramses II is best known for his campaigns against the Hittites. The Battle of Kadesh in 1274 BC, although militarily inconclusive, was portrayed as a personal victory for Ramses. The detailed accounts of this battle inscribed on temple walls provide valuable insights into ancient warfare.
Diplomatic Achievements
Ramses II’s reign also marked a high point in international diplomacy. The first recorded peace treaty in history, between Egypt and the Hittites, was established during his reign. This treaty marked the end of hostilities and fostered a period of peaceful relations between the two superpowers of the time.
Architectural Legacy
Ramses II is renowned for his extraordinary building projects. He commissioned numerous temples, cities, and monuments, the most famous being the Ramesseum in Thebes and the sun temple of Abu Simbel. These awe-inspiring constructions showcase the sophistication of ancient Egyptian engineering and Ramses II’s grandeur.
Royal Family
Ramses II’s family life was as prolific as his architectural undertakings. He had several wives, including Queen Nefertari, his most famous consort. Ramses II fathered over 100 children, underscoring his desire to establish a large dynasty to continue his legacy.
Death and Legacy
Ramses II died in 1213 BC, in his nineties. He was buried in the Valley of the Kings, but his mummy, now displayed in the Cairo Museum, was later moved to prevent tomb robbery.
Ramses II’s legacy as a great builder and a peace-maker endures in the grand monuments and the peace treaty he left behind. His extensive building programs significantly contributed to our understanding of the art and architecture of ancient Egypt. Despite the thousands of years that have passed since his reign, Ramses the Great’s impact on Egypt is still evident, confirming his status as one of Egypt’s most remarkable pharaohs.
Wikipedia: Ancient Egypt
History Channel: Ancient Egypt
Live Science: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
British Museum: Ancient Egypt