Ra – The Sun God of Ancient Egypt
In the pantheon of Ancient Egyptian gods, Ra, the sun god, shone the brightest. At the heart of Egyptian cosmology, culture, and kingship, Ra’s significance encompassed creation, the cycle of day and night, and the journey of the afterlife. Unraveling Ra’s role can illuminate the essence of religious life and belief in Ancient Egypt.
Ra: The Sun God
Ra, often symbolized by a sun disk or represented as a falcon-headed man, was the sun god and the supreme deity in ancient Egyptian religion, especially during the Old Kingdom. He was associated with the sun, creation, and the sky. Each day, Ra was believed to sail across the sky in a boat, symbolizing the journey of the sun across the sky.
Ra and Creation
Ra played a central role in the cosmological myths of ancient Egypt. In one version of the creation myth from Heliopolis, it was believed that Ra emerged from the primordial waters of Nun. He then created Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture), who gave birth to the sky goddess Nut and the earth god Geb. Humans were created from Ra’s tears, establishing a divine link between the god and humanity.
Ra’s Daily Journey: Symbolism and Significance
Ra’s journey across the sky represented the cycle of day and night. In the morning, he was Khepri the scarab god, representing rebirth and renewal. At noon, he was Ra at his most potent phase. As the sun set, he became Atum, the aged aspect, descending into the underworld to reemerge at dawn, thereby symbolizing resurrection.
Ra and the Pharaohs
In ancient Egyptian culture, the pharaoh was seen as the earthly embodiment of Ra. This divine kingship’s concept meant that the pharaoh was both the protector of his people and the intermediary between them and the gods. Upon death, the pharaoh was believed to merge with Ra, travel through the underworld, and be reborn at dawn, just like the sun god.
In the spiritual landscape of ancient Egypt, Ra held an eminent position, casting his rays on the civilization’s cosmology, daily life, and rulership. Understanding Ra and his influence sheds light on the ancient Egyptians’ worldview, revealing how they made sense of natural phenomena, life, death, and the afterlife. The legacy of Ra, enduring in monuments, myths, and kingship, reflects the brilliance of the ancient Egyptian civilization, mirroring the god’s radiant persona.
Wikipedia: Ancient Egypt
History Channel: Ancient Egypt
Live Science: Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids
British Museum: Ancient Egypt